Well, they use that puzzle for hiring, so I won’t provide the answer here, or their purpose would be defeated. But nevertheless, I will provide you a hint. Look at the JS file in POST data. Confused? Can’t find? Here it is! js function sendData(in_data,dest_url) { var req_send = $.ajax({ url: dest_url, type: 'POST', contentType: 'application/json', data: in_data, dataType: 'json' }); return req_send; }; //sendData function munchClues(data) { var makkhi_link= '<a href="MakkhiChoose" target="_blank" title="MakkhiChoose browser plug-in, open in new window">MakkhiChoose</a>'; var econ_link = '<a href="MakkhiChoose - Tricks and extensions to enhance your browsing experience - The Economic Times" target="_blank" title="Press Coverage in The Times of India">1.