
Setting up kernel for debugging can be a confusing task for a beginner. It certainly was for me when I was starting out.

In this post, I’ll outline a way to quickly set up your computer to compile and run kernels on the fly. You need to never hassle about it again, we will make aliases along the way so that you just have to use simple commands to do things. Tab completion auto-filling the command name makes things very convenient.

Of course, one should know what an alias is doing before adding them for general use in .bash_aliases, so please make sure you understand everything and only then add it. Hopefully, I’ll be clear, and the context will be obvious if I do not mention some things. I assume basic familiarity with the kernel.

For those who have already read the article and just wants to see the bash aliases together, I have them (and a couple more) in the following gist:

I may update the gist, but not this post necessarily.

Cloning and saving the kernel

If you ever tried to clone the kernel, you’d know the download is huge! The history is long, so it makes sense. But it does not make sense to keep cloning it again and again.

Clone entire history once, then keep updating it (using git pull). Whenever you want to work on the kernel, either

  • Use git worktree, which copies the tree but shares the .git across all of them. Note that it is the .git folder which is the biggest (currently it is of 2.9 GB).
  • Copy the entire repo using cp.

Do this for each bug fix or patch set, i.e., for related work. This will help in multitasking and saving work. If you use copy-on-write filesystems like BTRFS, the copy won’t even actually take extra space. Only upon modifications will the affected files be created anew.

While the (g.k.o) is the canonical home for the kernel, that server is slow for our download. We anyways won’t be pushing upstream directly. So, it’s best to use the googlesource mirror.

Clone the mainline once in a folder named updated_mainline as follows:

$ git clone updated_mainline

Now whenever you need to do some work, let’s say work on a UAF in net, you can simply do either of the following:

# Worktree method (inside updated_mainline).
$ git worktree add ../net_uaf
$ cd ../net_uaf

# Copy method.
$ cp -r updated_mainline/ net_uaf
$ git switch -c uaf_fix    # Do not work on master branch.

While git worktree should be preferred, I use the copy method, because that’s what I started with :-P.

Setting up git

One must ensure that the git configuration is correctly set for kernel repos, as identity is very crucial for signing your commits and sending them via email.

# Set identity.
$ git config "Your name"
$ git config ""

I have GPG signing enabled globally in git, but kernel commits for plebs like us must not be GPG signed, it is used only by maintainers.

GPG signing is done, on say GitHub, to ensure that the git identity is not fake. By adding a public key to GitHub and checking the signatures in commits, GitHub can verify committer identity. But in kernel development, we use mailing list, so we actually do not need GPG signing. The Signed-off-by email and the From: address of the patch email must match.

# Disable GPG signing.
$ git config commit.gpgsign false

Upon pulling, rebase should be done. The upstream is supreme. Also, whenever someone says on mailing list to rebase, you just need to pull.

# Rebase on pull.
$ git config pull.rebase true

Email SMTP details should be set properly, as the patches to the mailing lists are typically sent using git send-email. But please

This all then simply results in the following git commands:

# Set up email settings for send-email.
$ git config sendemail.smtpServer ""
$ git config sendemail.smtpEncryption tls
$ git config sendemail.smtpServerPort 587
$ git config sendemail.smtpUser ""
$ git config sendemail.confirm "always"

It’s effectively mandatory to use script to check your patches, otherwise you’ll have complaints over the mailing list (outside of genuine cases). Manually doing it is tiring, and one may forget to do it or get tired of it.

Fortunately, git allows for hooks to be executed before and after actions like commit. Whenever someone is annoying you with web3 BS like blockchain with smart contracts, just show them git.

Shuah in the LFD103 course1 suggests a neat trick to add checkpatch to the post-commit hook. Basically, after committing changes you extract the commit in patch format (using git show) and pass it to checkpatch, which will show whether there are any problems or everything is okay.

To do that, add the following in updated_mainline/.git/hooks/post-commit and make it executable:


patch=$(git show --format=email HEAD)
./scripts/ --show-types --strict --codespell - <<< "$patch"


We can put everything together in a bash function as follows:

kgit-config() {
	git config "Your name"
	git config ""
	git config commit.gpgsign false
	git config pull.rebase true
	git config sendemail.smtpServer ""
	git config sendemail.smtpEncryption tls
	git config sendemail.smtpServerPort 587
	git config sendemail.smtpUser ""
	git config sendemail.confirm "always"
	echo -e '#!/bin/bash
		patch=$(git show --format=email HEAD)
		./scripts/ --show-types --strict --codespell - <<< "$patch"
	' | awk '{$1=$1};1' > .git/hooks/post-commit
	chmod u+x .git/hooks/post-commit

Now, you can just use kgit-config on terminal and have everything done for you.

Even though this is a one-time setup (because you use/copy this repo in the end), it’s good to have this alias. You may also work on subsystem-specific trees, linux-next, etc., mainline isn’t the only repo.

Setting up QEMU image

This section is essentially from the syzkaller docs on setting up QEMU2. I will be talking about x86-64.

Make a specific folder for storing QEMU related things, like the system image. It’s good to organise things.

$ mkdir -p qemu/image
$ cd qemu/image

We will use the script provided by Google for syzkaller. It will create a Debian image with a passwordless root user, and also generate SSH keys so that we can use SSH to login into the system once run by QEMU.

Download the script as follows:

$ wget
$ chmod +x

You may want to remove the -x flag from line 7 in the script to avoid spam during runtime.

Create a 10 GB image (suffiicient size to install some things later and not worry about space) containing Debian 12 (bookworm) as follows:

$ ./ -s 10240 -d bookworm -f full

# Delete leftover chroot folder from building
$ sudo rm -rf chroot

Name the image bookworm.img so you know what it is, and the associated SSH keys similarly. They all reside in the same folder as the script, here that is qemu/image.

Configuring the kernel

One can generate a default config with make defconfig.

Though, generally when debugging bugs, like those listed on syzkaller, you’ll get a config file (which is to be stored as .config in the kernel root). These may not have all the new config options, and during build time it may ask you for the values those options should have. You could just spam (press and hold) the enter key to set the defaults, or use the handy script as:

$ ./scripts/kconfig/ .config

But this script is for a more powerful purpose. As the name suggests, it merges the config files automatically. It accounts for all dependencies for you, so you do not have to bother with setting values yourself normally.

This allows for a neat way to configure kernel for our QEMU machines because we need to set some more options. It would be tiring to do them by hand, so we can just have the relevant options in a config file somewhere, let’s say in $HOME/linux/config, and then pass it to this script.

For our QEMU machine, need to include the kvm_guest.config from kernel/configs in the repo, as that includes some necessary config options, like enabling virtIO, 9P filesystem, networking, etc.

We need some options like CONFIGFS_FS, SECURITYFS enabled for correctly booting our image. Also, debugging benefits from a couple of other things, like KASAN, UBSAN, preemption, lockup detector, etc. So, we can have a common config as follows, which we will always include.












Sometimes we may need more options which are there in kernel/configs/debug.config in the kernel root. Also, we may sometimes want to enable tracing or options like 9P debugging, which can be done by adding the options in another config file as follows:



Now, we can simply create our config as:

$ ./scripts/kconfig/ .config \
	./kernel/configs/kvm_guest.config \

For the extra debug options, simply add the config files:

$ ./scripts/kconfig/ .config \
	./kernel/configs/kvm_guest.config \
	./kernel/configs/debug.config \
	$HOME/linux/config/common.config \


We can set up a bash function for this as follows:

kconfig() {
	case "$1" in
			make defconfig "${@:5}"
			./scripts/kconfig/ .config \
				./kernel/configs/kvm_guest.config \

			./scripts/kconfig/ .config \
				./kernel/configs/kvm_guest.config \

			./scripts/kconfig/ .config \
				./kernel/configs/kvm_guest.config \
				./kernel/configs/debug.config \
				$HOME/linux/config/common.config \

			echo "Pass --def, --fix, or --debug."

Now we can just quickly configure using kconfig command.

My gist has more options, if interested one can check it out.

Building the kernel

The kernel can be built with:

$ make -j`nproc` all

The nproc allows for parallelised building, so that the compile time is significantly improved. Some people suggest to use a number = 1.5*nproc in the argument (like if nproc is 12, use -j18).

Sometimes we may want to build with LLVM. For that we can pass LLVM=1 in the make argument, as follows:

$ make -j`nproc` all LLVM=1

Now, if we use QEMU to run the kernel, it will be successful, but you’ll notice that any loadable modules you may have enabled or made won’t be there, because the loadable .ko files, or even the /lib/modules folder, simply does not exist.

We need to use the modules_install make recipe to copy them to a location, and somehow access it inside the VM. We can achieve that using virtio 9P filesystem. That’s why I had mentioned we need to enable it during the configuration.

Let’s copy the modules to a new folder named .compiled_modules in the tree root. Note that the name starts with a dot, because the .gitignore is configured to ignore most hidden files and folders.

$ make INSTALL_MOD_PATH=./.compiled_modules modules_install

modules_install creates a symlink to the kernel source tree in /lib/modules/<version>/build, but we cannot really access the symlink from inside the VM (as the mount point will be the .compiled_modules folder, and not its parent).

So please delete that symlink. One can copy the entire tree to the build directory, but there is no need to. But it is a good idea to copy the config file, so the config of the currently running kernel is accessible inside the VM.


We can now put everything in a bash function as follows.

kmake-all() {
		set -e

		if [[ -f ".llvm" ]]; then
			echo -e ".llvm found - Using LLVM.\n"
			make -j18 all LLVM=1 "$@"
			echo -e ".llvm not found - Using GCC\n"
			make -j18 all "$@"

		# Store loadable modules so we can use in QEMU via virtfs.
		# Note: We delete the old folder to avoid failing mkdir et al.
		rm -rf .compiled_modules
		make INSTALL_MOD_PATH=./.compiled_modules modules_install

		# Symlink to local dir in /lib/modules/*/build won't work in
		# the VM, so remove it and just add the config file there.
		rm ./.compiled_modules/lib/modules/*/build
		mkdir $(ls -d ./.compiled_modules/lib/modules/*)/build
		cp .config ./.compiled_modules/lib/modules/*/build

Note that we automated the LLVM argument by checking if a file named .llvm exists in the repo root. You can make using touch .llvm. This is done because it is annoying to write LLVM=1 everytime, it’s very convenient to just type km and use tab completion.

Running the kernel in QEMU (you are probably here for this)

The most confusing part most people beginning with kernel development have is running QEMU properly.

QEMU has a lot of arguments listed in its manpage. Naturally, it might look like a daunting task at first to figure it out, but after done once it actually starts making perfect sense.

Explanation of the options we use

Since we are going to emulate an x86-64 system, the program name would be qemu-system-x86_64.

As we are on an x86-64 CPU already, we emulate the same CPU using the -cpu host option.

We enable KVM virtualisation acceleration using -accel kvm, which allows for the near native performance.

We are going to work using the command line, so we disable the graphics with -nographics option.

We can allocate memory to the VM using -m option. For instance, if we want to allocate 4 GB of RAM, we will use -m 4G.

We can allocate the number of cores using the -smp option. This is important, as race conditions will not happen without multicore setup, as you’ll only have one thread running by default (-smp 1). I allocate half the number listed by nproc. For example, -smp 6.

We need to specify the kernel image location using -kernel flag. If in the kernel repo root after building, use -kernel ./arch/x86_64/boot/bzImage.

We can pass command-line parameters for the kernel using the -append option.

  • console=ttyS0 tells the kernel to dump the logs (same as dmesg) on ttyS0, which is the tty emulated by the QEMU window.
  • root=/dev/sda tells the root partition of the image is /dev/sda.
  • earlyprintk=serial tells the kernel to print the early boot messages over the serial port.
  • nokaslr disables Kernel Address Space Layout Randomization (KASLR) and causes kernel to be loaded in its standard memory location.
  • net.ifnames=0 tells the kernel to disable the Predictable Network Interface Names mechanism, which is needed if the “Failed to start Raise network interfaces” error is encountered3.
  • panic_on_oops=1 tells the kernel to panic when there is an oops, but we set this in the kernel config for compilation, so we need not add this.
  • panic_on_warn=1 tells the kernel to panic when a WARN (or a BUG) is encountered.
  • panic_on_io_nmi=1 tells the kernel to panic when an IO error causes an NMI.
  • panic_on_rcu_stall=1 tells the kernel to panic when an RCU stall is encountered.
  • max_rcu_stall_to_panic=1 tells the kernel to panic even for a single RCU stall.
  • panic_on_unrecovered_nmi=1 tells the kernel to panic when an unknown/memory NMI is encountered. This is by default off due to hardware vendor reasons, but for QEMU we don’t have that limitation. See kernel docs.4
  • selinux=1 enables the SELinux module. Setting to 0 disables it.

The arguments discussed above can be passed using -append "console=ttyS0 root=/dev/sda earlyprintk=serial nokaslr net.ifnames=0 panic_on_warn=1 panic_on_io_nmi=1 panic_on_rcu_stall=1 max_rcu_stall_to_panic=1 panic_on_unrecovered_nmi=1 selinux=0".

We need to specify the location of our raw format Debian image we created using the -drive option. For example, -drive file=$HOME/linux/qemu/image/bookworm.img,format=raw. Note the lack of space between the two kwargs, it is important so that QEMU parses it correctly as arguments to -drive.

We can set the networking options using -net option.

We need to set SSH settings, as we discussed we allow for SSH login. For our case, we will set them using -net user,host=,hostfwd=tcp: (config values straight from syzkaller docs2, you are free to change them).

We also set the emulated NIC settings using -net nic,model=e1000.

We can store the PID of the QEMU VM using -pidfile option. For example, -pidfile

We also mentioned we access the .compiled_modules inside the VM. We do that by setting a mount point for the 9p virtfs using the -virtfs option.5 Specifically, we use the following (remember the lack of space after commas):

-virtfs local,path=./.compiled_modules/lib/modules,mount_tag=compiled_modules,security_model=none

The first argument specifies the filesystem driver. We simply use local so the individual virtual FS functions are translated directly to act on the host filesystem. The path specifies the path of the directory to mount (which in our case is the directory we want to be mounted to /lib/modules in the VM). mount_tag specifies the tag of the mount point inside the VM. The security-model specifies the security model for the files in path (credentials, attributes, etc.). We use none so files created in VM are stored as it is. You can read more on the QEMU docs.5

Lastly, we can store all the output by piping the QEMU output to tee command.

The command

Therefore, to run our compiled kernel on QEMU, we use the following command by putting together everything:

$ qemu-system-x86_64 \
	-cpu host \
	-accel kvm \
	-nographic \
	-m 4G \
	-smp 6 \
	-kernel ./arch/x86_64/boot/bzImage \
	-append "console=ttyS0 root=/dev/sda earlyprintk=serial nokaslr net.ifnames=0 panic_on_warn=1 panic_on_io_nmi=1 panic_on_rcu_stall=1 max_rcu_stall_to_panic=1 panic_on_unrecovered_nmi=1 selinux=0" \
	-drive file=$HOME/linux/qemu/image/bookworm.img,format=raw \
	-net user,host=,hostfwd=tcp: \
	-net nic,model=e1000 \
	-pidfile \
	-virtfs local,path=./.compiled_modules/lib/modules,mount_tag=compiled_modules,security_model=none \
2>&1 | tee vm.log

Logging in

The username to login is root if you followed the mentioned procedure to make the image.

To login using SSH, in a new window use the following SSH command (which uses the key we generated):

$ ssh -i $HOME/linux/qemu/image/bookworm.id_rsa -p 10021 -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" root@localhost

We use port 10021 because that’s what we configured in QEMU.


Use Ctrl+A and then X to terminate the VM.


We can put everything together, and allow for more user arguments which can override the defaults, in a bash function / aliases as follows:

kemulate() {

	# We will pass user args to QEMU, except the flags.
	# Since flag processing is needed, we will append them in the end.
	# Also, by appending the user args at the end, the default arguments
	# can be overriden by user.
	# Use host for the KVM on terminal.
	qemu_args+="-cpu host -accel kvm -nographic"
	qemu_args+=" "
	# Memory size.
	qemu_args+="-m 4G"
	qemu_args+=" "
	# Number of cores.
	qemu_args+="-smp 6"
	qemu_args+=" "
	# Kernel image location.
	qemu_args+="-kernel ./arch/x86_64/boot/bzImage"
	qemu_args+=" "
	# Kernel command line parameters.
	qemu_args+="-append \""
	qemu_args+="console=ttyS0 root=/dev/sda earlyprintk=serial nokaslr "
	qemu_args+="net.ifnames=0 panic_on_warn=1 panic_on_io_nmi=1 "
	qemu_args+="panic_on_rcu_stall=1 max_rcu_stall_to_panic=1 "
	if [[ "$1" == "--selinux" ]]; then
		qemu_args+=" selinux=1"
		qemu_args+=" selinux=0"
	qemu_args+="\" "
	# Debian image to boot.
	qemu_args+="-drive file=$HOME/linux/qemu/image/bookworm.img,"
	qemu_args+=" "
	# User settings for SSH.
	qemu_args+="-net user,host=,hostfwd=tcp:"
	qemu_args+=" "
	# NIC settings.
	qemu_args+="-net nic,model=e1000"
	qemu_args+=" "
	# PID file.
	qemu_args+=" "
	# Use virtfs to get access to loadable modules inside QEMU.
	qemu_args+="-virtfs local,path=./.compiled_modules/lib/modules,"
	qemu_args+=" "
	# Append the user args.
	# Run QEMU (eval used to avoid bash splitting arguments on spaces)
	eval "qemu-system-x86_64 $qemu_args 2>&1 | tee vm.log"

alias kemulate-one="kemulate -smp 1"

Now, just use kemulate to run the kernel. You can use kemulate-one if you don’t want multi-core setup. You can use --selinux if you want to enable selinux. You can, as mentioned earlier, add and override the QEMU arguments by passing them to the function.


Similarly, we can make a bash function for logging in via SSH (and store the output to a file) as follows:

klogin() {
	ssh -i $HOME/linux/qemu/image/bookworm.id_rsa \
		-p 10021 -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" root@localhost \
	2>&1 | tee ssh_op.log

Editing fstab to mount /lib/modules inside the VM image

We booted into the VM, but we still have not mounted the 9P mount point we have created for /lib/modules.

We can use the command line to do it, but doing it everytime is a hassle. So, we just add an entry in /etc/fstab so that it is automatically mounted at boot.

Append the following in /etc/fstab and save:

# <file system>		<mount pt>			<type>		<options>			<dump>	<pass>
compiled_modules	/lib/modules			9p		trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L	0	0

Now restart the VM (quit and kemulate again), and see if the folder in /lib/modules exist. If you followed everything correctly till now, it will be there.

Decoding stacktrace

Sometimes you’ll want to decode a stacktrace dumped by the kernel. We can use the script in the kernel scripts folder for it.

The following bash function does it for you:

ktrace-decode() {
	if [[ "$1" == "" || "$2" == "" ]]; then
		echo "Provide input and output filenames."
		exit 1

	(./scripts/ vmlinux < "$1") > "$2"

Use as ktrace-decode in.log out.log.

Many times you can make in.log by appropriately trimming the vm.log file we tee’d QEMU’s output to in our command.

Getting maintainers

You debugged everything and created patches. Now who to send these patches to?

One can use ./scripts/ to get the appropriate people and mailing lists to send the patch to.

You can use the script name directly. It is big enough for me to create a simple bash alias, so here it is:

kget-maintainers() {
	./scripts/ "$@"

One can extend this into ksend-patch which can parse the output and appropriately sets the to and cc arguments for git send-email.

That’s it for now. Hope you found this useful!